Odsłony: 7368
Kontynuując przygodę z Erasmusem obchodzimy Światowy Dzień Książki i Praw Autorskich. W ramach realizacji projektu LORESU Let’s Study Local and Regional Subjects at School każdy z krajów partnerskich przygotował prezentację lub film dotyczący literatury kraju lub regionu.

Z przyjemnością prezentujemy Wam pracę Waszych kolegów z Chorwacji, Hiszpanii, Polski, Portugalii i Włoch. Mamy nadzieję, że zainspiruje to Was do lektury.

Film uczniów Jedynki:


Film uczniów włoskich:


Poezja tłumaczona przez uczniów z Chorwacji:
Fran Galović
Swallows (translated by Andrija Njerš)
They've arrived today. Two of them, I saw
looking for nests round roofs made of straw.
Slowly they fly.
Each I ask:"Why?"
"What have you brought us, small, darling birds?
Wind swirls you seek
Through skies full of sun, along the sea
Skies full of summer, where I'll never be.
Why don't you speak?"
Round the cottage, the young swallows fly, without rest
Looking for thier nest.
What have they brought? Happiness, youth, sunshine,
The joy of days past, songs, flowers, wheat and wine!
While they were fluttering through the unknown
Old cottage was waiting for them to come home.
That's why they're meek
and they don't speak
gazing at the sun, at sky's fullness
flying towards the hills of happiness.

(Mentor: Martina Grgac, prof)

Poezja tłumaczona przez uczniów z Hiszpanii:

Josefina Pla

Vaciarme de paisajes, olvidarme caminos,
reedificar el arco de tu desnudo día.
Borrar tus ojos, sendas de mi llagado sueño,
y engriar en mi sangre tus dos terribles manos.

(...La estatua que he vaciado en soledad, volverla
raíz y musgo en tierra, canto y ala en el aire).

...O, en la antípoda lluvia de mi aherrojada llanto,
hacer cantar el muerto pájaro de tu beso.
Tornar a las cenizas las flechas de la llama,
reenhebrar en las venas el hilo del suspiro.

Y del dolor crecido, monstruo y criatura mía,
hacer de nuevo aquella sonrisa que en tus labios
me bautizaba tuya, con el nombre más mío.

Emptying landscapes, forgetting roads,
rebuild the arch of your naked day.
Clear your eyes, paths of my wounded dream,
and engriar in my blood your two terrible hands.

(... The statue that I emptied in solitude, make it
root and moss on land, song and wing in the air).

... Or, in the antipode rain of my aherrortada crying,
make the dead bird sing of your kiss.
To turn to the ashes the arrows of the flame,
to reenhebrar in the veins the thread of the sigh.

And of the pain grown, monster and my creature,
make that smile again on your lips
I baptized you, with my name.

(Translated by students from 1st BAC A and  B. Mentor: Carolina Ramos)

Poezja tłumaczona przez uczniów z Portugalii:

Fernando Pessoa

At times I have

At times I have happy ideas,
Ideas suddenly happy, in among ideas
And the words in which they naturally shake free…

After writing, I read…
What made me write that?
Where have I been to find that?
Where did that come to me from? It is better than
Shall we have been, in the world, at the most, pen
and ink
With which somebody writes properly what we here
